Classmate Profiles


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If you want to update your profile, use the Contact Us option to let me know. The website company updated their software and I'll need to contact them to make a change in your user name.

Reading about you and what's happened over the past 60 years is almost as good as a face-to-face visit.

These profiles you see here might be old. They could have been created for our 50-Year Reunion back in 2014 or for our 55-Year Reunion in 2019. I've been talking to tech support at the website company to see if profiles could be created just for our 60-Year Reunion, but he said all profiles are stored in the same spot. If you don't remember your password, you can create a new one. 

You can edit your old profile to bring it up to date. Each profile has a creation or edited date to let you know when it was last modified.

Even if you can't join us on September 13, 2024 we hope you'll take the time to share news about yourself.  Your classmates are interested in where you are, what you're doing, and what's important to you.  Add a Washburn memory to share with your classmates. 

We know you're visiting this page for updates on classmates.  When the reunion is over, we encourage people to continue posting news. When you create a profile, people can get in touch with you by clicking on the "Send a Message" button.  You can also 
use this feature to contact each other. 


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Jhan Schmitz ("Harry" Schmitz)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 5
Occupation: Semi-Retired Civil Engineer and Project Manager
2024 update: Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the WHS 60th Reunion, but I’m definitely looking forward to the 65th!

I am now almost fully retired, and live in the Palm Springs area of California. I keep busy by taking the occasional consulting opportunity, being on the Board of Commissioners for Palm Springs International Airport, being on the Governing Board of our local hospital, and volunteering locally. My wife and I travel quite a bit, especially during the extremely hot months of July and August.

My wife and I returned to the US in 2011 after having lived many years overseas - Hong Kong, Dubai, London and Panama. I headed up development of the new Hong Kong International Airport; led reconstruction assessment teams in Iraq for the World Bank following the 2003 war; ran my company's Middle East operations out of Dubai; oversaw design and development of London's Crossrail commuter rail system (the new Elizabeth line); and was Program Director in charge of the Panama Canal Expansion. And much in between.

I graduated from the University of Minnesota in Civil Engineering in 1968, and later took a law degree. I continue to be amazed at how much I've learned since then, and how much I don't know....

My wife, Connie Brennan, and I were married in 1984 - a second marriage for both of us. Between us, we have had 5 children. On the Schmitz side: Agen (in Seattle, born in 1967) and Erik (in Scottsdale, born in 1970). On the Brennan side: McLaren (in Baton Rouge, also born in 1970). Tragically, we have lost two children - Kelly Brennan passed away in 2002 at the age of 29, and Karl Schmitz passed away in 2013 at the age of 40. We have five grandchildren.

2019 update: I’ve now crossed the threshold from “pretending” to retire to almost fully retired. We still live in the Palm Springs area of California. I keep busy by being on the Board of Palm Springs International Airport; actively participating in airport/aviation professional groups; running a non-fiction book club in our community; and mentoring and teaching classes in the community. We travel quite a bit, especially during the torrid months of July and August. We’re very much looking forward to returning to Minneapolis for the reunion; my brother Jeff will also be in town the weekend of our 55th reunion - for his 50th WHS reunion.

My wife and I returned to the US in 2011 after having lived many years overseas - Hong Kong, Dubai, London and Panama. I am now semi-retired from CH2M HILL, but I still support a number of projects and initiatives around the world. I headed up development of the new Hong Kong International Airport; ran my company's Middle East operations out of Dubai; oversaw design and development of London's Crossrail commuter rail system; and was Program Director in charge of the Panama Canal Expansion. And much in between.

I graduated from the University of Minnesota in Civil Engineering in 1968, and later took a law degree. I continue to be amazed at how much I've learned since then, and how much I don't know....

We now make our home in the Palm Springs area in California. Between us, my wife Connie Brennan and I have had 5 children. On the Schmitz side, Agen (in Seattle) turns 47 this year and Erik (in Baltimore) will be 44. On the Brennan side, McLaren (in Baton Rouge) has recently turned 44. We have lost two children - Kelly (Brennan) passed away in 2002 at the age of 29, and Karl (Schmitz) passed away last year at the age of 40. We have five grandchildren.

Connie and I will be attending the WHS64 50th reunion in September, and look forward to catching up with everyone after all these years.
Last edited: 2024-08-24 10:54:25

Barbara Anderson (Adams)

Now photo
I studied French at Northwestern University. I met my husband Van Anderson there, we married immediately after our graduation, and we "honeymooned" as Peace Corps volunteers in Ethiopia. There we began teaching careers that lasted over 40 years. We attended graduate school at the U of MN where I obtained a Ph.D. in French literature, and we also spent two years in France studying and teaching English as a second language. In France, I gave birth to our first of three children.  We retired from Edina Public Schools in 2011, where I taught third and fifth grades at the Normandale French Immersion School, high school French and worked as a Peer Coach. Since retirement, I have continued working as a substitute teacher and French tutor in Edina However, retirement has also allowed us to spend several months of the Minnesota winter in New Zealand with our daughter, her husband and their two children. We also have two sons: one works as an ER doctor in Minneapolis, and the other is a software engineer in northern California. We are both grateful to be in good health.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:11

Gayette (Gay) Riddle (Addison)

Marital status: Divorced Children: 1
Occupation: Retired
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:41

Ross Anderson

Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Retired physician
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:54:13

Richard Ballintine

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: retired financial officer/retired USAF officer
After spending our senior year together, Judy Bon and I took different paths upon graduation.  Judy went to Hennepin Co General for her nursing degree.  I went to the U of M for my degree in Physics.  As time passed we got back together and were married in 1968 after both our graduations.

I had planned on continuing in physics, but my draft board had other ideas.  So I signed up for ROTC in grad school and got my MBA.  Upon graduation we moved to Cincinnati for a short time with Procter & Gamble.  Then into the USAF for 5 years spent in northern Michigan and Dayton Ohio.  Upon leaving active duty I decided to stay in the reserves, which I did for the next 20 years ending in retirement.  Coming back to Minneapolis I spent 5 years with the Minneapolis Fed and then the next 30 years in finance with Rosemount Inc and other local manufacturers.  For the last 14 years I have been a director with a large nonprofit that aids homeless vets.

Judy went to work at general hospital while I was in grad school.  She worked off and on as the boys were growing, her last job as parish nurse in a Bloomington congregation.

Upon our retirement we became dedicated snow birds, buying a second home (our "cabin") near Birmingham, Alabama.  Our son lives there with 2 of our grandchildren.    Our other son remains in Minnesota with our other two grandchilden (and our only granddaughter).  We split our time pretty evenly between the two.

Both of us have had some health issues, but are doing well considering.  Our time is split between grandkids, church, friends, and traveling.

Thanks, Washburn, for study hall when Ballintine and Bon were forced to sit next to each other!
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:21

Perry Barsten

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired - NASA Space Shuttle/Aerospace Engineer
Last edited: 2024-08-17 12:50:11

Sandra Haney (Berg)

Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Occupation: retired speechh-language pathologkst
I still live in small town Iowa with a large lot and 2 children.  After 23 years of marriage I finally got a divorce and have lived blisfully for 15 with only my grand cat.  My son graduated in 2000 and went to Fordham University in the Bronx , New York.  He graduated the same day as my daughter from High School. She had preupped in the Marines in her junior year and was sent to Defense Language Institute in Montery, California.  (Now there's a place to visit!)  After that she went to a special schooling in Texas and became some sort of a Russian spy.  As she says, "If I tell you I have to kill you".  After 5 years in the Marines she quit and joined the Air Force reserves and still works for them.  A year ago she decided to return to school and is currently at Fordam and will be a senior this year.  My son is currently in Taiwan getting his master instructorship in teaching scuba diving.  He has his own company in finacial marketing design and had enough air miles to travel around the world - so why not?  He took me to Austrailia and Tazmania as a retirement present, another great place to visit.  I've learned that I love to get away from this Iowa winter weather and have gone to South Beach and Panama the last two years and am hoping to find something in Puerto Rico this winter; as long as it's warm, near the water and I don't have to go far to get food, I'm happy.  When I was young and wanted to be older, this was certainly not what I wanted to be.  (Irony is not the opposite of wrinkly - I have them both!) I'm fat and sassy and enjoying life as it comes to me.  I was a Speech-Language Pathologist for 39 years and that was about 4 years too long. I like not having people yell at me or doing all the paper work the government keeps creating.  As the saying goes, if you can , you teach.  If you can't, you write laws about it.  I currently work part-time at Sam's Club in Council Bluffs; yes, I'm one of those little old ladies who hand out samples at Sam's.  Here's hoping that life's blessings have come your way and you have the peace that you've earned.

Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:17

Jim Berlin

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Retired
The transition from highschool graduation to "Grandparenthood" has ocurred way to quickly. I'm not sure what portions of my life I should include here so I'll give that some thought and begiin with an anecdote:

About 10 years ago I decided that I was long overdue for a routine physical. I contacted a nearby clinic that my wife used. They asked if I had a preference which doctor I saw. I said "No, any doctor would be fine". (fast forward to the appointment) After getting checked in, the doctor entered the room. He said "I think I know you". Indeed. My appointment was with Dr.Tom Kiefer. (and it has been every year since then).
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:08

Sara Dreyfuss (Bey)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: editor, writer
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:19

Judy Severson (Bjerke)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Retired
I can't believe it's been 50 years since we graduated.  I seem to have lived many lifetimes since than - some good some not so good.  Enough said about that.
I currently live in Edina with my husband Kert.  Our children and most of our 8 grandchildren are grown.  Kert still works half time as a clinical pharmacist.  I on the other hand enjoy many different skeletal challenges.  To be different I currently am recovering from a heart issue which will keep me from the reunion.
Greeting to those who remember me and your loss to those who don't.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:53

Judy Ballintine (Bon)

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Married Richard Ballintine  -  see comments there.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:51:14

Donna Bonnicksen

Marital status: Single
Occupation: Self employed
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:51

David Borneman

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Business Management Consultant
I was the class car nut when I was in Washburn and carried that through the rest of my life, having gone into the car repair business in 1977 and opening my own business, MOTEC Auto Care Clinics in 1980. I brought the business with me to California in 2003 and sold my business January 2013.

I've been married to my fourth wife for almost 11 years, have four children, four grand-children and three great-grand-children. When I came up for the reunion in 2004, I rode my Harley-Davidson motorcycle from California with my wife on the back.  Two years ago, I had back surgery and had to give up 50 years of joyful riding and have gone back to having another Corvette (number 8)

I'm playing it safe this time, flying up to Minnesota to spend time with old friends, relatives and to visit the Washburn Reunion.  I'll see you there.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:07

Dick Byrne

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired
Hi all - 
Living in a beautiful beach town in southern Delaware, Rehoboth Beach (2- hours from Washington, DC, Baltimore & Philadelphia), since retiring a few years ago after 8 years teaching in Mpls and then 21 years on the faculty at U of MN and then 11 years at Univ of Maryland as faculty and an Assistant Dean for Youth & Family Development. 
Have been wintering in Key West the past several winters.
 Lived in Washington DC on Capitol Hill for 12 years while at the U of Maryland.
I'm very involved in animal welfare issues and serve on the Delaware SPCA Board of Directors and volunteer with my local SPCA animal shelter working with spay/neuter surgery, fund raising and adoption   Also deeply involved in progressive politics and frequently manage local candidate campaigns.   Also serve on the Delaware YMCA Board of Governors and raise funds for the Strong Kids Campaign.
Enjoy home life with my Bernese Mt Dog, rescue cat, garden, kayaking, biking and frequest vists from our 3 kids and 3 grandsons - all of whom live in the Twin Cities.
Looking forward to the reunion!
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:54:11

Mura D'Angelo (Caverly)

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Domestic Goddess
Life has been good to me.  In the early 70's I lived in Italy for awhile learning Italian and enjoying La Doce Vita; my creative side came out and I pursued painting and photography, earning several awards and recognitions.  Twenty years after graduating high school I graduated from Rhode Island College with honors, taking only 3 years to get my BA.  After a few years in non-profit marketing I returned to the West coast where I was born.  My husband started his own business and we had to take custody of my 2 grandchildren and have been raising them since they were born.  They are now 10 and 12.  It has been a blessing and a trial at times but for the most part they make me laugh. I was saddened to see several people I knew fairly well were no longer with us.  May the rest of us remember to take what life gives us with a smile and return the favor.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:40

Jane Truesdale (Clark)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: personal trainer
It is a coincidence that I will be in MN on Sept. 13, 2024, but not able to attend the reunion. Before I knew the date of the reunion, I made plans with 3 other women to hike the new part of the Superior Hiking Trail. My husband and I have hiked the entire trail all the way to Canada, but now they have added a new 50 mile section from Duluth. In 2019 I hiked the Camino de Santiago Trail from France to Santiago, Spain and beyond with these same women. I missed the reunion that year also due to that hike. Since then we have met every Sept. for a reunion hike. I retired from teaching in Bloomington, MN in 1999, and from being a personal trainer in 2022. I am grateful to have no health problems so far, but am the care taker for my husband who has Alzheimers. He is in the beginning stages, and still functions fairly normally, but I know what my future is like. We still love our home in the mountains of Estes Park, CO with Rocky Mountain National Park in our backyard. We are enjoying the cooler weather while the rest of the US is suffering from heat, and hope to stay here as long as possible. I will miss you all, am so sorry to hear about people we have lost, but hope to see the rest of you at the next get together.
Last edited: 2024-09-12 14:20:38

Gerry Clark

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Employee Benefits - Semi-retired
Lynn is my wife of 15 years and we have Billy, our 12 year old son.   We also have two Bernese Mountain Dogs, Ole and Sven.  Still love Minnesota.   I work 2-3 days per week, play golf, fish, work in the yard.  We go to Captiva, FL as often as possible.   Looking forward to our 50th.    Thanks for organizing, Gerry
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:51:56

Rose Cohen-Brown (Cohen)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Retired. [International Student and Scholar Advisor]
Have a BA in English from Carleton College, and an MA in English (dropped out of a PhD program).  Moved to San Antonio from Long Island, New York, in 2003, after an early retirement as an international student and scholar advisor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.  Worked as a secretary in Classical Studies at Trinity University after moving to San Antonio for 10 years before retiring again.  Divorced.  Two daughters and three grandchildren living on the East coast.  Have traveled a great deal (southern Africa, Peru, Southeast Asia, etc.) and do as much community theatre as I can.  No money, but a rich life.  Cheers to all. Update 2024: Now four grandchildren. No more community theatre but very involved in my neighborhood of Beacon Hill. Traveled to the Baltic States in May.
Last edited: 2024-07-25 17:58:53

Henry Cooper

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married
Occupation: Author
I created a little youtube video, Watch out Big Business, CTI Little Guy, Super Hero, is here.  I hope you enjoy it.

Plus on June 6th My website  went up. Have a look and download a book or at least a preview.  The books are also on all leading eBook websites.

Now for a bit of bio.

My College days at the University of Minnesota focused on playing bridge.  This wasn’t exactly the path to a long-lasting career, so I took some time from my studies and headed to Australia to see if it really was the “New Frontier”.

It was.  I spent four great months in Sydney.  Then, having decided to return to the University of Minnesota, I made my way back home via 1 ½ months of travel through Asia and 3 ½ months in Europe.  
I learned how to travel frugally and well, but the most important discovery was that most people around the world are friendly, good people and just want to be left alone by their governments.
A great surprise awaited me in Minneapolis.  Five days after returning home, two FBI agents informed me that I had been listed as AWOL.   This was, of course, a colossal mistake, but one can’t argue productively with the FBI so I ended up in the army for 19 months.  I returned to the U of M and successfully earned my BA and MBA.
While at the University, I was offered a job as Senior Systems Analyst at a bank computer subsidiary and was swiftly introduced to corporate politics.  My first project was cancelled; several people to whom I reported were fired.  I was “reassigned” to a rather interesting project investigating Trust Packages – a short-lived assignment  as my disagreement with the package selection resulted in a rather hasty firing.
It was 1976 and a very difficult time for a systems analyst with just two years experience to find a job. Gambling filled the gap for a while, but didn’t pay the rent.  I began to feel the urge to write and tried my hand first at sonnets and then TV scripts.  Through a conversation with the producers of one of the popular TV shows at the time, I was invited to submit a script.  I quickly responded and, just as quickly, received my first rejection. 
Over the years, I tried my hand at real estate, computer timeshare sales, consulting, and as a manservant (with spare time to write, I hoped).  The manservant post was not my calling -- taking care of a 15-year-old spoiled “brat” was not my cup of tea, and certainly didn’t leave any time to write.
By necessity, writing hit the back burner and I took a position with another bank computer subsidiary.  Corporate politics reared its ugly head again and, after being told numerous lies by the department manager, I walked out, did not look back and returned to Australia.
Since 1981, Australia has been my home.  I’ve worked as an Information Systems project manager, consultant, second-in-charge of systems development, and business analyst in computer software and finance.  My adventures have allowed me to observe corporate politics at their finest.  During these years, it became very clear to me that, if you want to succeed in business, it is more important to be politically correct than to support a good idea.

My interest in writing was rekindled about the time that there was a lot of press about off shoring and corporate corruption.  Having had up close and personal experience with this type of corporate behaviour, I decided to create a series of corporate thrillers -- addressing the subject with a touch of humor, a twist in the tale, and subtle symbolism to challenge the reader’s intellect.    I created the outlines for four books and started to write. I finished editing the books in January, creating the eBooks in 4 eBook formats in April and am now executing my marketing plan.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:51:30

Linda Jennings (Coulter)

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: retired
Like so many WHS classmates I can’t believe it has been 50 years since graduation.  It is so fun to read all of the classmate profiles.  But it’s a challenge to write a profile of my own.  How much or how little to say?  Well, here goes…
I loved Washburn and know we’re fortunate to have been there during the glory days of the 1960s. There are so many great memories, but my favorites are all from being in the Choraliers.  The music, the friendships and Mr. Lydell’s artistic passion will always be dear to my heart. 
So, life after Washburn (you can find the first 20 years in the 20th reunion edition of the Wahian).  I ended up in Sycamore, IL. 60 miles west of Chicago. I loved my 37-year career at Northern Illinois University Health Service (retired in 2012).  Over the years I worked with over 400 student volunteers and supervised 25-30 student interns, some of whom have become long-time friends. Finished my BA in Sociology from NIU in 1993, summa cum laude (surprise!) Played violin in the local symphony for 20 years, have sung in several choruses (retired from both), taught CPR for 20+ years and after I turned 50 I volunteered countless hours, over-night lock-ins and 10 summer mission trips with my church’s senior high youth group.
I'll always be a Minnesota Girl and miss it a lot. When my three children were young,  summer vacations were spent driving by Washburn, Ramsey, Lake Harriet, and eating at the Lincoln Del and Bridgeman’s and spending time at Driftwood Resort in Pine River (on the lakes where I spent summers at my parents lake home). I thought I’d be back in MN someday, but with my 3 children and 3 grandchildren all living in DeKalb or Chicago, I'll be staying close to them.
I’ve really been looking forward to the 50th but I'm still rehabbing an injury (still a klutz), which is keeping me home. (Bless any classmates who are PTs!). Very disappointed and I'm suffering from a bad case of FOMOR (fear of missing out on the reunion). Thanks to the reunion committee for all of your amazing work. I know everyone will have a fabulous time!       
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:54:19

Chuck Dahl

Marital status: Divorced Children: 3
Occupation: Custom Machining - Sales
Hi Folks,
Looking forward to the reunion.
Receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in 1977 is the main
thing I would like to report. 
The many ups and downs we all experience; including my personal struggles with depression, a divorce I did not want with 3 children involved, and the sudden death of my daughter in 2003 have been among countless things God has used to bring me now to agree with the writer of Ecclesiastes in his final chapter:
"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."


Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:03

Donald Davies

Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Occupation: Retired
Following high school I spent three years in the Army, finally graduated from the UofM in 1973. I then spent 4 years in public accounting and 38 years in several community banking organizations. I have worked as a part-time consultant for the past 8 years, finally retiring this year. With the exception of my time in the Army, I have lived in and around the Twin Cities all of this time. My current home is on lake property near Zimmerman that has been in my family for nearly 100 years. Over the years I have been actively in a number of nonprofit boards ranging in focus from choral music (Dale Warland Singers), to senior housing (Presbyterian Homes), to a natural food co-op (Lakewinds).
Last edited: 2024-07-27 13:03:46

Judie Florenzano (Davis)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: retired
Hello Classmates, I will not be attending our 50 Class Reunion, but I wanted to send my best wishes to everyone.  A little about me. I graduated from Nursing school in 1969 and married my husband, Joe Florenzano in 1970.  I became a head nurse at MMC in Minneapolis in 1973, and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1977.  I have been unable to work since then and I have been confined to a wheelchair for several years.  I had two children, a daughter, Ashle (a school teacher in Taos, NM.) and a son, Zachary.  We lost Zachary in 1998, at the age of 16, he was a passenger in a car accident driven by another 16 year old boy.  I currently live in Edina, MN.  If you want to contact me you can send it to my husband’s email at:  I would love to hear from you.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:54:00

Joey Fritz (Digree)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired teacher
Last edited: 2024-09-16 07:29:24

Denise Stone (Dooley)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: retired
Isn’t it amazing?  Fifty years sounds like a long time, but it has gone by quickly. For me they have been wonderful years and I treasure the memories they have given me.

I was more than ready to leave Washburn when graduation came. We received an exceptional education there, far superior to many other public schools. (Although the memory of Mr. Blackmur silently skulking around his classroom can still make me seventeen again and a little bit terrified!)  I had a lot of fun during those years, but I have very little nostalgia for them.  

During my sophomore year at the University of Minnesota, I renewed my friendship with Paul Stone (class of ’63) and we were married in September of 1967. We moved to Wisconsin the following year. That is where Paul began a long first career with the WI Dept of Natural Resources.

Our first four years were spent at Lake Kegonsa State Park, where we lived on the premises.  It was Nature at its’ best while Paul developed the farmland into a wonderful little park.  We enjoyed our time there. It was peaceful and pretty. Before that, if anyone had told me I would enjoy living in the middle of a park, I would have said they were nuts!

We moved into Stoughton, a small Norwegian community when Paul went into land appraisals and acquisitioning for the DNR. I kept trying to educate those Norwegians but in twenty eight years there I didn’t make much headway. I did learn to appreciate their heritage, but lutefisk is still disgusting.

At this point let me tell you I was, and still am, a 1950’s and 1960’s kind of Donna Reed wife and mother (minus the pearls and frilly apron). I loved being at home when our boys were young.  I volunteered at their schools and got quite involved with special needs adults. We had great neighbors (we were all stay at home moms at that time.)  We actually had coffee parties!  I even wrote a cookbook to give to my family and friends. As the boys got older I took a series of part-time jobs so I could be available for them when needed.

Our sons, Michael (45) and Derek (41) are terrific people. Lucky for us they have both married great women who we love dearly.  Michael has followed in Paul’s footsteps joining him in his second career in the private rural property appraisal business. Michael’s wife Janice is a band teacher at the middle school level. They both volunteer as field assistants for the UW marching band and have for over twenty years. (They met playing tubas in the band.)

Derek and Karen just moved back to Wisconsin after six years in Maine. Maine is a gorgeous State. We loved visiting them and traveling through New England during several trips east. Derek worked as a luthier, building and voicing Bourgeois guitars, including working on one for Ricky Skaggs. But after a few years the kids decided they wanted to be back home.  Finding a rewarding career near Ripon, WI. is proving to be a challenge for Derek. Karen works in her family’s business and has an outstanding future there if she wants it.

We moved to Madison in 2000 and love it.  It’s a beautiful city with endless things to do.  University of Wisconsin athletics rock and UW itself has a diverse offering of activities for all who wish to partake. Then there are the Green Bay Packers. When we play either Minnesota team I go back to my roots and pull for the Gophers or the Vikings. Of course this irritates the men in my life, which is half of the fun.

Once our boys were through college, Paul and I started doing more traveling.  We have visited much of Europe, St. Petersburg, Russia, some of the former Soviet Bloc countries, Turkey and Tanzania.  We were in the Czech Republic when 9/11 happened. Being out of the country at that time was quite an experience.

We had a motorhome for several years.  We traveled to Alaska one summer and enjoyed meandering through Canada along the way.  What magnificent country we have north and west of us. We have been heading South and Southwest for two months during recent winters.

All in all, I have had a terrific life. I look forward to seeing you and exchanging stories about our experiences.

My best to all of you,

Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:51:36

Sally Dunn

Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 1
Occupation: Public Health Nurse
Hard to cover 50 years. After college at U of M School of Nursing, spent a year in Kentucky, 5 years overseas (Germany, Okinawa, Taiwan). Returned to Minnesota in 1975 to go to graduate school. Married in 1979. Divorced in 2014. One son, now age 31 who lives in Bloomington. I have been working at Ramsey County Department of Public Health for past  9 years. Learned to flyfish in the late 1990's. Am currently Treasurer of FlyFishing Women of Minnesota. Love to travel and hope to see as much of the U.S as possible in the next few years. Took a raft trip down the Colorado River to Phantom Ranch in the Grand Canyon and climbed 9.5 miles out;  Went to Alaska and flew in a 3-seater plane over the Arctic Wildlife Refuge; visited 3 islands of Hawaii with my penpal since age 8 from New Zealand; to northern Idaho and Montana in 2012 and Oregon/northern California in 2013. Have a trip to New Mexico planned for this year at end of September. Looking forward to the reunion!
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:47

Larry Edlund

Marital status: Married Children: 5
Occupation: Retired
Retired - 30 years US Army Reserves (highest rank CSM) and 20 years at Medtronic Inc.
Have 5 children and 10 Grandchildren.
Like to travel and golf.
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:17

Paula Crouch (Eliason)

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: RN
I remember how much fun it was to sing with Bob Evans and Janet Childs and the other guys in our "trio". I still sing, but in a large choir.... I wonder if Fireside Pizza still hosts local talent?  I suppose I won't recognize or remember everyone, but it will be fun to hear all the memories and stories, and then it won't really feel like 50 years have gone by.  Life has been good to us!!  
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:52:49

Marge Ling (Fechner)

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Kitchen & Bath Designer
Dan and I have lived in San Jose, California, since 1978.  After graduation from the  U of M and our wedding in 1968 we moved to the Chicago area and stayed for six years before accepting a transfer to Fairfield County, Connnecticut (our bucolic years-cow pasture at the end of the block).  But the February, 1978, blizzard and subsequent ice storm broke the camel's back and Dan asked to be  transferred to San Jose in 1978.

We have one daughter Jennifer, who lives in Henderson NV with her husband Joe.  My grand-dog's name is Dino, a very handsome silver lab.  We drive to visit them in the non-sweltering months.  And I don't care that it is a "dry heat."  115 degrees is damned hot!

Dan is retired from San Jose State University where he was a sytems analyst from 1984 to 2012.  I was a kitchen and bath designer/sales/project manager for a kitchen and bath design/build firm for 17 years until its closure in 2011. Now I am semi-retired and work as an independent designer out of our home.  I am currently the President of the National Kitchen & Bath Association Northern California Chapter.  Being an active member keeps me on my toes and in touch with students who are the future designers of the industry.

One of my best friends is from the Twin Cities.  We have walked down the 50s and 60s memory lane many a time sharing favorite haunts of our youth.  And I have so many wonderful memories of fellow classmates and events from my years at Washburn.   

Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:51:22

Dave Floyd

Marital status: Single
Occupation: Retired/Photojournalist
Last edited: 2023-10-25 11:53:19