Emails from YOU

I just moved some emails fro Latest News to this page.

If you're in contact with anyone from our class, please ask them to share their latest contact information with our website at



From: Jane Clark Truesdale []
Sent: 2024/07/11 06:42pm

It is a coincidence that I will be in MN on Sept. 13, 2024, but not able to attend the reunion. Before I knew the date of the reunion, I made plans with 3 other women to hike the new part of the Superior Hiking Trail. My husband and I have hiked the entire trail all the way to Canada, but now they have added a new 50 mile section from Duluth. In 2019 I hiked the Camino de Santiago Trail from France to Santiago, Spain and beyond with these same women. I missed the reunion that year also due to that hike. Since then we have met every Sept. for a reunion hike. I retired from teaching in Bloomington, MN in 1999, and from being a personal trainer in 2022. I am grateful to have no health problems so far, but am the care taker for my husband Roger who has Alzheimers. He is in the beginning stages, and still functions fairly normally, but I know what my future is like. We still love our home in the mountains of Estes Park, CO with Rocky Mountain National Park in our backyard. We are enjoying the cooler weather while the rest of the US is suffering from heat, and hope to stay here as long as possible. I will miss you all, am so sorry to hear about people we have lost, but hope to see the rest of you at the next get together.


From: Kenneth Hande []
Sent: 2024/07/09 04:34pm

Just received the card about Washburn 64 reunion, Unfortunately will not be able to attend. My wife Mary and I have signed up and paid for a river cruise down the Rhine and Rhone rivers from Amsterdam to Nice during the reunion. I appreciate the work of the committee on setting things up. 

I have retired from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine for the past 8 years. Still doing quite well and enjoying time for relaxation, travel and family (3 married children 8 grandchildren). Still attend some conferences and meetings at the hospital.

Reading the list of Memorial names brings sadness but some good memories. Dan Ling and Tom Hansen were friends from the third grade on. Dale Hammerschmidt, Larry Grouse and I sometimes sat in alphabetical order in Washburn classes. The three of us all taught at medical schools. I hope I will be able to attend a 65th year reunion, but at our ages, things change quickly.


Email from: Marge Fechner Ling []
Sent: 2024/07/09 01:15pm

Dan Ling, my husband of almost 56 years, died on July 4, 2024. He and I always looked forward to attending our class reunions. Dan loved music and was a collector of vinyl in the 70’s and then cds in the 90s forward. He was very eclectic in his taste and we saw many of his favorites over the years at The Mountain Winery and Montalvo in Saratoga plus other venues in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We have lived in our home for almost 46 years in a part of San Jose called Almaden Valley where we can see the Santa Cruz Mountains from our driveway. In the winter if conditions are right we can see snow on Mt. Umunhum.
Our daughter Jennifer and son-in-law Joe are here helping me transition to a solo life.
My grand dogs, Jasper and his son Junior, are my built-in comfort dogs. They make me smile and give me lots of love.
John Barstow reached out when news of the reunion dropped in the mail. Dan was hospitalized by then with a complicated case of melanoma plus myocarditis as a side effect of his first immunotherapy treatment.
I did not plan to attend the reunion this year because of Dan’s diagnosis. However after reaching out to John after Dan’s death I am reconsidering that decision. 
Thank you Judy and others who have worked over these many years to continue these events to reconnect.


Sally Lynum  let us know of the death of Judie Davis Florenzano on December 4, 2023. You'll be able to find her obituary if you click on the "In Memory, Part 1" tab and scroll down past the memorials added by our classmates.


From: Caroline R Beise []
Sent: 2024/07/07 07:43pm

My sister, Sharon Ann Schweppe Hoeft, passed away June 22, 2024,
at the age of 77 years.



From: Marilyn Michales []
Sent: 2024/06/22 11:50am

Greetings. First, a BIG THANKS to the committee for organizing this 60th reunion and maintaining this web site. I was looking forward to attending, but since it appears to be a fairly limited event (4 hours) I am sorry to say, it is probably not in the cards. I live full time in Naples Fl (after retiring from the practice of law for 40+ years) and seldom return to Minnesota (it's the cold weather, certainly not the wonderful folks in Minnesota). So if anyone happens to be visiting here in Naples, I hope they will feel free to check in with me (you should now have my email) for a one-on-one reunion. Hope you all have a grand time in September. Cheers, Marilyn


Name: Sally Lynum 
Telephone: 13605313258 
Comments: I want to let you know I moved. My new address is: Sally Lynum 10313 Lakeshore Drive Apple Valley, CA 92308 Also, What are the plans for a 2024 Class of '64 reunion. I know several of us hope there will be a 60th reunion. Let me know if you need any help from afar! Many thanks, Sally

Name: Chris Stanton 
Telephone: 1 604 306 1611 
Comments: Hi! I know it's been a long time in the wilderness, but around our 60th anniversary I thought I'd like to emerge and get reaccquainted with all the wonderful people I got to know and love at Washburn. Please keep me informed...

Name: Susan Gisvold Young 
Telephone: 847-272-0926 
Comments: Please add me to your email list. Thank you 

Name: Margo (Johnson)Gisselman 
Telephone: (612) 720-4527 
Comments: Just found this site and would love to know about future activities for the class of 64.


2/26/21Name: Connie (Rondeau) Johnson 
Telephone: 612-390-2168 
Comments: Hi I’m not sure if I wrote and gave you our, oops, my info (I have to remember it’s just me now that Wally passed away 7-13-2020) new address. We bought a house last March here in Colorado. We’re about 20 minutes East of where we lived before. Falcon is a suburb of Colorado Springs The new address is 10935 Long Summer Court Peyton, CO 80831 We don’t have the open view of the Mountain Range we had before of Pikes Peak, but we can still see it through the houses. Once we get on the main road we can see it great. We live with our daughter, Tammy and her husband, Kevin and their kids.

Name: David Swenson 
Telephone: 612-869-2205 
Comments: David Swenson reports the death of Tom Hanson Tom Hanson 74, (3/24/46 - 12/18/20) son of June and Russell Hanson, brother to Mary Sue (graduated from Washburn 1965) and Amy passed away from multiple myeloma in December 2020.He kept his strong will and independence to the end. Tom graduated from Washburn High School (1964) and Mankato State University. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and an art major. Tom joined the Marine Corps, became a captain and pilot. He loved flying and was proud to be a Marine. Tom was a gifted and astounding talent as an artist and made it his career. He had a passion for racing and was always building or re-building go- karts and cars. Tom made many close friends and often expressed his amazement and gratitude for the friends and neighbors who helped him, encouraged him and stayed in touch. He chose to be a "dad" to Marcus because he loved him. Quite a man, Tom. He lived his life on his own terms, had an incredible sense of humor, and could always make us laugh. (Written by his sister Amy) 


Name: David Howard Swenson 
Telephone: 1-612-869-2205 
Comments: Kathleen Campbell Anderson passed away in 2019 in Florida (according to her brother Ron).

Name: George Kissinger 
Comments: Noting passing of Mary Muzetras (Headrick) and her husband George. Mary died May 18, 2020. George Headrick died only two months prior. Mary was a friend and fellow art sudent. She was talented in her art and a wonderful person. She will be missed.
Name: Joseph K Morgan 
Telephone: 763-544-8551 
Comments: New email address. Apparently invites are now email only. Please amend the records. 
Name: James Pence 
Telephone: 651-322-1272 
Comments: Richard Warren Perry - Dick died of cancer on September 30, 2020. 

Name: Donna J Morrison Hoover 
Telephone: 816-868-9278 
Comments: Hello everyone, I am still kicking. I am so sorry that so many are no longer with us. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren, age ranges 21, 18, 9, and 3. All boys except the 3 year old. She is ginger haired terror. She keeps me very busy but love her to pieces. 


Clicking on the senders' email address should open an email window, but if that doesn't happen, you might need to copy and paste their address into your browser to make it work.  Judy Vicars


Emails from Classmates About Our 55-Year Reunion

J. Craig Scherf, Duluth MN   I deeply regret I cannot be with all of you at this reunion.  My commitments to my job as church organist and to our local library in the midst of its annual book sale which I chair preclude my coming. 

While it is true as Thomas Wolfe says “You Can’t Go Home Again,” it is nevertheless something in our very nature that makes us reach back to touch what in retrospect seem golden days.  That time seems so very distant in years, but almost perilously close in sentiment.  The friends I left behind after that graduation day never really left me, and their impact and memory linger on in recollection in ways I could not have predicted then.

My career took me mostly to St. Paul, so it was rare I ran into any of my former classmates, and it was the gift of the various reunions that brought those memories back so vividly. The war, the violence of the days that followed in the 60’s and 70’s are themselves only a memory now.  Some did not return from that war, others came back injured and maimed.  Nothing was ever quite the same after those more innocent days when the world looked so promising to us all.

Football games seemed really important, as the stars of our class won titles. 
Some people were lost within a few years to tragic diseases; others moved far away and were present to us only in memory.  Paging through the yearbook before reunions we saw faces not yet changed, but still touching us after all those years, Proustian memories stirred by just a photograph.

For a few of you, I went to school with you for twelve years, in those days when people stayed put and neighborhoods meant something.  To those in that group I give a special greeting.

I have myself left my neighborhood and city behind after retiring from Dayton’s/Macy’s and have built something of a new life in Duluth/Superior. 
It is somewhat ironic that instead of returning to my ancestral South that I moved further North.  The flags of Maryland and Missouri fly over my home overlooking the St. Louis River, mystifying those who pass by I suppose.
I would truly invite anyone from the class who visits the area to give me a call so we could meet and remember old days, old friends. Know that a warm welcome would await you.

It remains only for me to bid you all a fond and affectionate greeting on the occasion of this reunion.  Know that I will be thinking of you as you meet.


Phone Call from Janie Howdeshell Cronin, Clearwater FL   Janie called to say that she'll be coming to the reunion with her son Noel (a Delta employee). She said she planned to stay with him, his wife and their two grandkids. He's going to be her escort to the Reunion, and will join for dinner.

Gary N. Gustafson, Anchorage AK  Thinking of many of you has been a pleasure throughout life. I'm still in Alaska, as I have been since 1966 except for the year in Vietnam, and now in Anchorage again after 19 years in Fairbanks. My regret is that I'll be unable to attend the reunion. Best wishes to all of you.

Mura Caverly D'Angelo, Escondido CA  Thanks to everyone who organizes these things. Can't believe it's been 55 years! That makes me how old? I'm still in California, but remember "fondly" those blizzards and crunching snow as we slid down the hill at Minnehaha Creek. Glad they are only a memory. Now I only have to deal with earthquakes! Anyway, I probably won't make it, planning a trip to Italy for same time. My thoughts are with you. Arrivederci amici.

Jerry Anderson, Texas City TX  Can't be at the reunion this time because my wife and I will be traveling to California. Any band members identified for our class? I played trombone, FYI. Does anyone remember how many were actually in our graduation class? My wife graduated from a Los Angeles high school and thinks her class was larger.

Gerry Harding Cronquist, Eagle River AK   I won't be able to attend the reunion this time. During the last two Novembers I have been going to Europe for the Christmas Marts in Germany and France. This year I'm going to Prague. My girlfriend and I only go for a week but it's been lots of fun.

Darlene Issacson Kruger, Maple Grove MN   Does anyone from our class know how to get in touch with Jeff Arnold? If so, please contact me.

Kathy Selvig Grambsch, Vancouver WA   I'm unable to attend this time.  I'm still doing gigs with my accordion and have 2 commitments on Sept 13 at Mt Angel Oregon Octoberfest (look it up), and Sept 14 at Ridgefield Washington (their Octoberfest celebration). Don and I will be in Mpls for a Grambsch "reunion" over Labor Day week-end, and now he’ll stay for Twins games and the Washburn 55-Year Reunion. I look forward to photos and stories. If YOU have time when I’m in Mpls (August 28th to Sept 4th ), join me for lunch or ?

Connie Rondeau Johnson, Colorado Springs CO  I'm hoping to make it but just not sure yet. I won’t know till sometime next month. If I can't I'll definitely be there in spirit. Not sure if you heard, but we moved to Colorado Springs last December. I'd love to hear from anyone who'd like to catch up. Here's my new contact info: 8910 Edgefield Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. My cell is 612-390-2168.

Paige Van Vorst, Chicago IL   Glad to hear reunion planning is underway. I’ll mark the date on the calendar. I’m still working full time to my wife’s eternal chagrin. I love it and I’m able to build up my retirement nestegg while at the same time reducing the number of years I’ll have to provide for in retirement.

JoAnne Digree Fritz, Apple Valley MN   Wish I could come but have a wedding that night in Owatonna. Thanks for planning the reunions. I love them!  Joey.

Karen Lindelin Pettersen, Greenwood Village CO  Wish I could join you all for our high school 55th reunion but I will not be able to come.  I did want you to know that I am still alive and well living in Denver, Colorado.

Michele Murnane, Seattle WA  So glad the reunion team keeps on stop of these reunions. I won't be able to come this time.  Still living in Seattle. We are having our grade school reunion this year too.  I went to a Catholic school and we spent 9 years together, so I will be at least one school reunion this year. Have a great time!

​Jane Clark Truesdale, Estes Park CO  

I won't be able to join you at the reunion in September and I'm sad because I've been to all the others. I'll be in Spain hiking the El Camino de Santiago at that time. You probably think I'll be doing this with my husband Roger, but he will be meeting me at the end in Santiago in a car.  I am doing this pilgrimage with 3 other women.  Two of them are from MN, but you do not know them; and the other is a friend of mine from Estes Park.  Actually it would take us about 5 weeks to complete the entire trek, but we will be doing as much as possible in a month.  One of the gals from MN is Jewish and needs to be home for Rosh Hashanah in early Oct.  Thus, in order to start and finish, we will be taking a bus through the middle section of desert where it is not as scenic and there aren't as many accommodations.  It is required to walk the last 100km in order to get your certificate of completion.  We plan on doing more than that. I will start in France and hike up and over the Pyrenees into Spain.  I have started training, and hope to be as fit as possible in Sept. Roger and I, along with the other couple from Estes Park, will then go to Portugal and Paris.  I am sorry to miss the reunion, but cannot pass up this adventure. Please greet everyone for me, and tell them I would like to be there.

Toni Okada, Mercer Island WA  There’s a chance I will be in MN around the reunion date. I should know more after I see my cousins in June. So right now I’m a “maybe”. Thanks for organizing!

Michele Murnane, Seattle WA  Nice hearing from you. So glad the reunion team keeps on top of these reunions. I won't be able to come this time.  Still living in Seattle. Have a wonderful time.

Gerry Clark, Creve Coeur MO  Thanks to the committee so much for doing all of this.  I have been snooping around it for two hours. We can’t thank you enough!!!  See you September 14th.     Warmest Regards, Gerry

Ellen Goldenberg, Long Beach CA  Thanks Judy and committee for just in time date announcement! I will be there and register soon. Just rushing off to a yoga stretch class. Ellen

(Karen) Sue Johnson Cummings, Phoenix AZ  GREAT Idea!  Wish I lived in Minnesota so I could help you!  Kindest Regards, Sue

Jerry Anderson, Texas City TX  Judy, great to hear from you and glad to see the reunion plan. Unfortunately I will be in MPLS in June, but in September will be traveling to California so will not be able to attend. Warmest regards to all who attend. Planning to be back in Mpls Oct 22, for a week to celebrate step-mom's 90th birthday. Jerry